Become a Director!

As a Singers Company Director
You will have the opportunity to empower young girls with lasting confidence through music and dance. Our directors have big hearts, positive attitudes and a desire to share their talents.
You will be trained in the Singers Company teaching methods and philosophies, leading young girls to confidence, that have been successfully tried and tested for almost 20 years.
All of the time-consuming elements of running a business and creating a show will be provided for you. Because of this, you will be able to focus all of your efforts on empowering the darling girls in your group.
From forming your group to performing shows, you will be guided every step of the way - we give you all the tools you need to successfully run and manage your own Singers Company Group.

We know you'll be great!
“Thank you! I absolutely LOVE being a part of Singer’s Company. Such a blessing in my life and in the lives of my girls. Never imagined that I would love it this much when I started off on this adventure. Thank you for sharing this program with us and ALL these girls we touch because of Singers Company!!!!!”

“I had my final performance yesterday and the parents (and audience) just loved the show. The girls were amazing and I just love each and everyone of them. Thank you for this wonderful program. It is truly amazing the growth and confidence that each of my girls had gone through each session.”

“I seriously have the best job ever. Thank you!!”
“After class yesterday, I just felt so overwhelmed with gratitude. These girls bring so much sunshine into my life--especially since I don’t have little ones of my own. The girl who was a “crier” on day one and who, according to her family, “has serious anxiety problems”, didn’t cry on week #2 or #3, is smiling, and is opening up. Another little girl asked me if she can come to Singers Company every day. Other girls will just give me a huge hug on their way out the door, and another girl hid behind my piano because she wanted to stay at my house after class. Moms are sending their thanks. I could go on and on. It’s just awesome.”
“We had our first performance at an assisted living center last night. The girls were AWESOME!! They were excited and, oddly enough, every one did their solos! I hadn’t expected that!!! I had sooo many happy excited parents! I had a grandfather of one of the girls come up and tell me what a blessing Singers Company has been for his granddaughter. I can’t believe how much some of these girls have already grown and the confidence they have gained (especially after last night)! They looked stunning in their costumes too!!"

“Just wanted to send you a note to tell you last night was our friends and family show.... And it was magical!!! Seriously... It was my favorite show I have done yet. We had many teary eyes on the audience... And many personal milestones for girls in my group.... One girl with a severe speech impediment... Painfully shy.. Did a speaking part AND and solo. Her mom cried the whole time!!! One girl with cleft palette (which is fixed) but has a really had time speaking.. And with confidence... Shined like a star!!! It was so awesome.”

“I just want to say thank you. I am so impressed by this program. I think you call it magical and it really is! I just can’t say enough. I am thrilled to be a part of this and the moms are so happy that its about being fun and non competitive and focus on building confidence. One mom was saying her daughter was in a play and she felt a lot of pressure and she likes this because we don’t push perfection.”

“I’m only a couple of weeks in, but I had to tell you how much being a director has impacted my family. I knew I would love it. I knew the girls I teach would love it. But I didn’t know how much joy it would bring to my family, including my boys and husband (what?!). There has been more music, more dancing, and more laughter in the past couple of weeks than we’ve had in a long time. A healing we have needed. Our house has a new Spirit in it, and I can’t thank you enough! It’s because of this incredible Singers Company program that my family is changing! THANK YOU for all of it!!”

There are many faces and hands working behind the scenes to create the magic of Singers Company!
Learn more!